Application deadline: 13 May 2016
This position is financed as part of a grant from the Research Council of Norway (FRIHUMSAM) to PRIO for the project “Equal Peace? Women’s Empowerment and Multicultural Challenges in War-to-Peace Transitions” (EPP), led by Research Professor Inger Skjelsbæk.
We are looking to recruit an MA student in social sciences, peace and conflict studies or a related field to write their MA thesis as part of the EPP project at PRIO. The MA position is for a student that is interested in writing about norm change, gender equality, and gender roles among Rwandan diaspora in the aftermath of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
The MA thesis will be written in English and the student shall have their main supervisor at the University/department where they are receiving their degree. An assistant supervisor will be appointed among the project members at PRIO. The position is open to students who are planning to submit their thesis in 2017.
The student awarded the position will receive a stipend of 3600 NOK per month for a period of six months. During this period the student will be provided a workplace at PRIO and is expected to be an active member of the project, as well as to play an active role in the broader research environment at PRIO, including participation in relevant research groups.
Applicants should submit an application including a CV, a cover letter, a 3-5 page project proposal, and transcripts of grades and diplomas. PRIO values staff diversity.
Applications should be submitted using the Online Application Formno later than 13 May 2016.
Interviews with relevant candidates will take place during week 24 and 25 (13-24 June).
For further questions, or to receive the full project proposal for the EPP project, please contact Jenny Lorentzen (jenlor@prio.org).