The second issue in 2017 the PRIO Gender, Peace and Security Update is now out.
The lead story in this issue includes an interview with researchers Christine Amisi (ICART) and Gudrun Østby (PRIO) about their research on support programmes for survivors of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
You can also read about a recently established network of Gender, Peace and Security and Women, Peace and Security centres from around the world. As usual, the GPS Update gives you an update on relevant news, events and publications which might be of interest to our readership.
The PRIO Gender, Peace and Security Update (GPS) is an electronic newsletter launched by the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security in response to growing interest among the public for information about gender, peace and security issues. The newsletter also keeps readers informed of the latest developments both internationally and in Norway in relation to UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security and subsequent resolutions.
For any queries regarding the GPS Update, contact the editors: Julie Marie Hansen (julhan@prio.org) and Jenny Lorentzen (jenlor@prio.org).