Torunn L. Tryggestad portrait. Photo: PRIO/Julie Marie Hansen
Torunn L. Tryggestad portrait. Photo: PRIO/Julie Marie Hansen

Lecture at the Centre for Peace Studies, UiT On 12 February GPS Centre Director Torunn L. Tryggestad gave a double lecture (online) for MA students at the Centre for Peace Studies, University in Tromsø, on the topic ‘Gender, Peace and Conflict Transformation’.

Lectures at the Research School Course On 12 June, Dr. Tryggestad gave an introduction and facilitated discussions on ‘Gender and Mediation’ at a research school course on International Mediation co-organised by PRIO and the Kroc Institute.

PRIO Summer School course On 26 June PRIO GPS Centre Director Torunn L. Tryggestad gave a double lecture on ‘Gender, Peace and Conflict’ at the PRIO Summer School course in Peace and Conflict Research. The course forms part of the International Summer School at the University in Oslo, UiO.