On Monday the 24th of May, **Jenny Lorentzen**moderated a virtual dialogue titled “Mandate to Mission: Real Life Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Mali”. The dialogue was hosted by the Permanent Mission of France and the United Kingdom to the United Nations in New York, and the Department of Peace Operations with three delegates from Mali’s Peace Agreement Monitoring Committee (Comité de Suivi de l’Accord, CSA) and civil society leaders. The Permanent Mission of Mali and Norway to the United Nations in New York co-sponsored the event.
The objective of the meeting was to learn directly from the experiences and insights of women who are participating in and supporting the Peace Process in Mali; to highlight the importance of their role in political and peace processes, including political transition, stabilisation, mediation and conflict prevention; and to strengthen understanding of the challenges and opportunities for ensuring their full, equal and meaningful participation in these processes.
The event was also an opportunity for women who are participating in and supporting the Peace Process in Mali to inform peacekeeping priorities, such as the upcoming MINUSMA mandate renewal, and for the audience to learn about the impact of language on Women, Peace and Security in peacekeeping mandates, including how it has been translated into real progress and achievement at the country-level in Mali. The recording of the event is available at UN WebTV website here.
Lorentzen is a Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political Science at Lund University, and Senior Researcher at PRIO. Lorentzen has recently successfully defended her dissertation for the degree dr.philos: "Normative Encounters between the 'Global' and the 'Local': Women, Peace and Security in Mali and Rwanda".