On 9-10 May 2019 more than 50 members of the Nordic Women Mediators (NWM) network convened in Oslo for a two-day annual meeting. In addition to the NWM members, seven prominent women from Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen were invited to provide insights into the status of women's engagement and influence in the peace processes in their respective countries.
The mission of the NWM is to work for the inclusion and meaningful participation of women in peace and mediation processes. The international community, including the Nordic countries, have a responsibility as well as an opportunity to provide support to local women's peace initiatives. The international community must work for the inclusion of women in international, national and local peace and mediation efforts. When women are included early in peace and mediation efforts, the likelihood of women being influential throughout the process increases. Furthermore, inclusive peace processes enhance the likelihood of reaching an agreement and sustaining the peace.
The NWM network stands by the women in conflict countries. The annual meeting in Oslo provided a good opportunity for the NWM members and the prominent invitees to enhance knowledge, exchange experiences and explore different ways for strengthening women's involvement in the peace processes in Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen. A direct outcome of the annual meeting is the establishment of working groups of NWM experts that will suggest follow-up activities in close collaboration with women activists.
Nordic Women Mediators (NWM) is a network of women from the five Nordic countries who have professional expertise relevant to conflict mediation, peacebuilding and negotiations. The network was established in 2015 and holds annual meetings to discuss relevant issues and exchange experiences. The NWM annual meeting in 2019 was organized by the Norwegian MFA, NOREF and the PRIO Centre on Gender Peace and Security.