PRIO has long been a leader in researching gender-based violence in conflicts; this issue has been the subject of extensive research interest at PRIO. For that reason, PRIO researchers were thrilled to see the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize go to Dr. Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for their work combating sexual violence. We have compiled a list of PRIO-related publications and researchers relevant to this topic in anticipation of increased interest.
Peer reviewed articles, papers/reports, and datasets
Preventing Sexual Violence in War: Is Fighting Impunity the Only Game in Town?
Gendered Battlefields. A Gender Analysis of Peace and Conflict
Does Artisanal Mining Increase the Risk of Sexual Violence? Micro-level evidence from Eastern Congo
Social Inclusion of Survivors of Sexual Violence: How Do Support Programs Work?
Artisanal mining, conflict, and sexual violence in Eastern DRC
Sexual Violence in Times of War: A New Challenge for Peace Operations?
Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: Introducing the SVAC Dataset, 1989–2009
Kjønnsbasert vold i krig: Hvordan få god kunnskap og på hvilken måte?
Sexual Violence and War: Mapping out a Complex Relationship
Social Inclusion of Survivors of Sexual Violence: How Do Support Programs Work?
The Elephant in the Room: An Overview of How Sexual Violence came to be Seen as a Weapon of War
Seksualisert vold i krig – antakelser og utfordringer
Silence Breakers in War and Peace: Research on gender and violence with an ethics of engagement
Sexual Violence in Times of War. An Annotated Bibliography
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers: Understanding Variation
Kvinner og væpnede konflikter: To forskjellige verdener?
Books and book chapters
Assessing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Peacekeepers
Conceptualizing Sexual Violence Perpetrators in War
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
Sexual Violence in the Post-Yugoslav Wars
Is Femininity Inherently Peaceful? The Construction of Femininity in War
Sexual Violence in the Post-Yugoslav Wars
Seksualisert vold som våpen i krig
Securitising Sexual Violence: Transitions from War to Peace (in Intimate Partner Violence, Risk and Security)
The Political Psychology of War Rape: Studies from Bosnia-Herzegovina
The Prevalence of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. When, Where and By Whom? (in Peace and Conflict 2017)
Seksualisert vold i krig of konflikt
Seksuell utnyttelse og overgrep i internasjonale operasjoner
The Use of Sexual Violence in Times of War: A Review of the Scholarly Literature
Voicing Silence: A political psychological analysis of the aftermath of the Bosnian war-rapes
Policy briefs
Continued Failure to End Wartime Sexual Violence
Civilian Targeting by Militias: The Important Role of States
Preventing Perpetrators: How to go from protection to prevention of sexual violence in war?
Sexual Violence by Militias in African Conflicts: Not a question of ‘delegation’ by states
Sexual Violence in African Conflicts, 1989–2009: What the data show
Preventing Conflict-related Sexual Violence
Sexual Violence on the Decline? Recent debates and evidence suggest ‘unlikely’
Sexual Violence in African Conflicts
Sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict settings
Popular articles, newsletters, and blog posts
Kjønn i krig og konflikt, med Inger Skjelsbæk
Why the Nobel Peace Prize went to 2 people fighting sexual violence in war
Empowering Survivors of Sexual Violence in DR Congo
Governments Don’t Outsource Atrocities to Militias. Here’s What Really Happens
Gender Financing at the UN Peacebuilding Fund
https://gps.prio.org/Publications/Publication/?x=1237 In War, Not All Violence is Equal
Beyond Sexual Violence: Gendered Political Insecurity as a Threat to Peace
Claims About Global Decline in Sexual Violence Spark Debate
Four Things Everyone should know about Wartime Sexual Violence
The British are Impatient to End Sexual Violence in Conflict
Myanmar: What now for Women and Minorities?
What’s Wrong with the Idea that ‘Robots don’t Rape’?
The Time Has Come for Dr. Denis Mukwege to Win the Nobel Peace Prize
Four things everyone should know about wartime sexual violence
"It's not small talk material" - om krig, fred, vold og forskning
Projects and other materials
Missing Peace Symposium 2013 (video)