Funded by the Research Council of Norway (NORGLOBAL), the PRIO project Gender Equality, Peace and Security in Nepal and Myanmar (WOMENsPEACE) studies the gender dimension of the peace processes in Nepal and Myanmar. As a part of the WOMENsPEACE project, we plan to publish an edited volume on Women, Peace and Security in Myanmar. Please get in touch with ashild@prio.org if you are doing research in this field and would like to contribute.
The planned book aims to describe the important but highly diverse roles of women in the Ethnic Armed Organizations of Myanmar, presenting perspectives on the agency of women in times of war as well as negotiations for peace. Engaging critically with the women, peace and security literature, the volume will question the potential of peace processes to become a window of opportunity for women's empowerment, while insisting on the vital importance of a gender perspective in the study of conflict, security and peace.
Abstract (300-400 words) by 10 January 2018
Full paper (6000-8000 words) by 20 February 2018
Conference on "Women, Peace and Security in Myanmar" at Novotel Hotel, Bangkok on 5 March 2018
For more information, contact: ashild@prio.org