The Swedish-Norwegian Peace Talk is part of the official Oslo Peace Days Program 2019
Norway and Sweden have a long history of promoting peaceful conflict resolution, human rights, gender equality, and strong international organizations. These internationally established norms and institutions, including the United Nations, are currently under increasing pressure as the geopolitical landscape is shifting.
In this setting, the UN Security Council remains one of the main arenas for smaller countries to have direct regular communication with the main powerholders.
That said, in the Security Council, elected members states maneuver an arena dominated by the five permanent ones. The permanent members’ veto power combined with their long-term institutional presence, provide them with procedural mastery.
- How much of a role can idealism and normative ideas therefore play on such an arena for Real Politik?
- What is the space for states like Sweden and Norway to pursue idealist and normative political priorities?
This seminar focuses on Sweden’s experiences in the UN Security Council. It revolves around power politics versus key normative issues of conflict prevention, Women, Peace and Security and the climate crisis. We then discuss what these lessons might mean for Norway in the event of a Norwegian non-permanent Security Council membership.
Concluding, how can Swedish-Norwegian collaboration contribute to the reinforcement of international law and multilateralism?
Please note: There are a limited number of seats for this event. Sign up early to secure your spot.
15:00 Doors open
15:30 Welcome by the Swedish Ambassador to Norway, H.E. Mr Krister Bringéus and Mr Henrik Urdal, Director of PRIO
15:40 Address by the Swedish Ambassador to the UN, H.E. Mr Olof Skoog
16:10 Remarks by Secretary General Tore Hattrem, Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
16:25 Comments from a research perspective, Senior Researcher, Dr. Louise Olsson, PRIO
16:35 Q&A moderated by Mr Henrik Urdal, Director of PRIO.
Students from UiO (PECOS) and Uppsala University contribute with the first questions.
17:30 Reception
The list of invitees - the Swedish Norwegian Peace Talks will be addressing scholars, civil society, public servants, politicians and other stakeholders. A unique feature of the talk is the participation of international students of Peace and Conflict studies from Uppsala University and University of Oslo, taking part in the Oslo Dialogue on Democracy. Oslo Dialogue on Democracy is a 3-day exchange program aiming to create a platform for academic networking and development for peace and conflict students from Norway and Sweden. The Oslo Dialogue is a joint project between the University of Oslo, Uppsala University, The Swedish Embassy in Oslo and Voksenåsen – the National gift from Norway to Sweden.
This year’s Swedish-Norwegian Peace Talk is organized in partnership with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). We expect a total number of around 90 participants.