Members from all five national branches of the Nordic Women Mediators (NWM) network will convene in Reykjavik, Iceland for a two-day working meeting.
Following on from the 2016 NWM Annual Meeting in Stockholm, the working meeting in Reykjavik is designed with a focus on practical issues and networking. Members will decide on the roles and contributions they want for the network, and develop ideas for future activities and collaborations. This meeting has been organised by the NWM's Icelandic operational partner, UNU-GEST, and is for NWM members only.
NWM members at Reykjavik meeting in May 2017

The NWM was launched in Oslo in 2015 and members have since been active at the national level in various activities. Activities of the NWM-Norway members are listed in the PRIO Gender, Peace and Security Update. The PRIO GPS Centre is the NWM's Norwegian operational partner along with the Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution (NOREF). Find out more about the NWM here.